faudrait completer le post avec ce qui est dit sur pspupdates.
As much as a god he is, Dark_AleX still came across certain problems. He reports that test with Castlevania SotN had some unusually high activity in the memory stick. The issue here isn't that the PRX is in the memory stick (because it's loaded quickly onto the RAM). However, he does say that this "high activity" didn't happen with the game not compressed and neither in 3.03 compressed.
He says it could be a problem with the different modules or quite simply a core issue with 3.02. Dark_Alex is still not sure if this SotN issue affects other games and suggests you might want to use uncompressed games to slow down the "high activity."
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pour résumer (j'laisse le plaisir à quelqu'un de traduire même si ça sert pas à grd chose), Il y a parfois une forte quantité d'accès à la MS et ce, de manière anormale, sans doute un conflit avec le 3.02. ce pb n'existe pas avec les jeux non compressé ou les jeux en 3.03 compressé ... dc si y'a des pb, ne compresser pas FF7 ou autres.