Discussion: M3 Copieur de linker?
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Vieux 03/01/2007, 13h23   #32 (permalink)
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Ben j'aime bien cette info moi...

Boot From Slot 2

This last option enables you to boot from Slot 2, for GBA compatibility
. The M3 DS simply does not support GBA formats, but it can be used as a passme to boot slot 2 flash carts. This enables you to get the best of both worlds efficiently.


The M3 DS simply does exactly what it says on the box. It boots clean NDS game files and homebrew via a simple drag and drop method from a computer. Of course media files boot via the use of the homebrew media player Moonshell. As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it, but in this case we’d hope to see M3 break that rule and develop their own media player to make the unit feel more complete overall. It may not come with any fancy extras at the moment such as dancing LED’s or graphically advanced menus, but it certainly does what it should do perfectly fine. Many of you who have been kicking and screaming for a well-built slot 1 device with Micro SD support will simply fall in love with this product from the M3 perfect team.


+ Boots clean game image and homebrew files
+ Great value all-round, includes extra shell, carry case and card reader too
+ Supports the use of Micro SD cards for huge storage capability
+ Well built and strong unit, same size as an original DS cart with no sticking out
+ Includes a touch screen operating system
+ Boots MP3’s and video files via the use of Moonshell
+ Easy to use, drag and drop files from PC to Micro SD and insert into M3 Simply
+ Ability to boot slot 2 flash carts for GBA support, with the DS simply acting as a passme in slot 1
JE crois que ça va pas trop mal pour lui...

en revanche j'aimerais bien savoir ce qui se passe avec un linker slot1 sur une console flashée?
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