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Vieux 01/01/2007, 22h36   #96 (permalink)
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Tiens en parlant le bootloader pour les backups wii (j'ai meme pas envie de creer un topic pour ca)

Vous vous souvenez surement de la video avec à la fin ce fameux "1/1/2007" pour la date de sortie..c'est un fake..

Celui qui a upload la video:

""alright guys, here´s the deal, "nester72" released his so called "bootloader" on to our ftp server last night, however I can now confirm that his video (which was uploaded by me) is 100% FAKE! I do apologize if I lead any one to believe that this video was more then a fake but like you, I was hoping that this video was the real deal but unfortunately it did not turn out that way. I´m sure that sometime in the near future homebrew and LEGAL backups will be playable on the wii.

it was just a simple jpeg with text, nothing special to it""
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