30/12/2006, 21h52
#9 (permalink)
Ripping games is just removing data to make the CD smaller so more games fit onto a single CD-R. The easiest way to rip games is by removing the MUSIC/AUDIO and/or VIDEOS.
* RIP Music/Audio Data
This is very simple just delete the Audio Tracks (*.cda) and the PSX Audio Tracks (Track01.xa).
Old games usually don't cause any problems when the Audio is missing! With newer games this can be a problem as games then to run slower or error messages appear. This happens for example with Thrill Kill. These games are not possible to rip then.
* Rip Video Data
To rip Video Data should be no problem for people who already ripped PC-VIDEOS before. It is really simple.
It's only possible to rip FMV (*.str) Videos, of course not cutscenes in "game grafics". You just need a tool to convert *.avi to *.str files.
Just take any old PC-RIP and search for a avi file which is 0 secs long and which only shows a black screen. Convert this file to a .str file and use it to replace the Movie filename on the "Collection CD". Do this for every Video that can be ripped. This will save you precious space!