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Vieux 02/05/2004, 21h21   #1 (permalink)
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News du 04/05/2004

2.2 Release:

 * Fixed an issue which caused certain games to freeze
 * Improved reliability of flash updater application
 * Added support for Codebreaker original discs
 * PS2 video fix is now selectable between colour carrier fix, or video mode 
The PS2 video fix is selectable between three modes:

  - None: PS2 video fix is disabled
  - Colour Carrier: The colour carrier of the video signal is changed to
    match the region of your console.
  - Video Mode: The video mode output by the PS2 is changed to match the
    region of your console (ie: force PAL or force NTSC).(PAL/NTSC).

News du 02/05/2004

Flash 2.0 finalement disponible

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annocner que la mise à jour Flash 2.0 est désormais disponible. Vous pouvez télecharger notre mise à jour Flash dans la section download. Le flash est initialement disponible au format BIN et CUE. Nous ajouterons une autre version dans les jours à venir soyez patient :P

Enjoy the update and apologies for the delays. 

A word of caution though. The DMS Flash upgrade process requires that the MOD has been installed properly (Check the installation practises page tutorial) If you have used a Ground wire which is too long or of insufficient thickness, or if the other CDVD, Clock or BIOS wires are routed messily or are too long then it is ikely that the upgrade process will fail. Poor installation is the cause of 99% of upgrade failures. If you expeience problems upgrading to flash V2.0 then it's more than likely an installation problem. 

So in the case of failure, we would suggest that you ensure that the provisions for installation shown on our "Installation practises tutorial" page have been met.

The flash upgrade process draws a lot of current, if the POWER and GND wires are to long or not thick enough, the upgrade will fail.
Even if the MOD works well enough to boot games, with a bad installation, there is no guarantee that the improperly installed MOD can be upgraded. Please take care of your installation.

We have tested flash upgrade by CD on many different versions of PS2 without any issues.

2.2 Dispo ici :

Voilà je le burn sur le champ par contre je n'ai pas encore de HDD pour tester !!!
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