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Vieux 09/12/2006, 23h08   #17 (permalink)
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Nouvelle version compatible avec le 2.71 SE-C et le devhook 0.51 :

  • The Module and SVCPlayer are now compatible with Firmware 2.71 SE-C.
  • The Module and SVCPlayer are now compatible with Firmware 3.1/3.2 emulated by DevHook 0.51 Beta.
  • The locations the screenshot and video files are saved are now configurable in the capture.ini file. This means it is possible write directly to your PC if you have USB support enabled via other third party modules that are available.
  • The SVCPlayer now also reads the capture.ini file to locate the videos.
Petites précisions :
  1. The module may not work in games on 2.71 SE-C unless you enable “Plain modules in UMD/ISO” which you do in the following way,
    • Startup your PSP (hold R) to enter Recovery Mode
    • Go to Advanced ->
    • Go to Advanced configuration ->
    • Enable the first option (Plain modules in UMD/ISO)
    • Go Back
    • Go Back
    • Exit
  2. The module, if enabled in the XMB for DevHook 0.51 Beta when emulating firmware 3.01 will crash if you try to load a game or homebrew so this has been disabled by the installer and left out of the manual instructions. This means there is no emulated XMB capture on 3.01 (by default).
  3. The module will be disabled when running Homebrew on 2.71 SE-C. This is to prevent crashing. You can still use DevHook to emulate 1.5 firmware which will allow you to capture screenshots and GIF videos of Homebrew apps.
PSP US Value Pack 1.5 d'origine (Avril 2005) ---> 3.52 M33-4 (merci Dark_Alex et la Team 33)

1 MS Sandisk 1 Go (Juin 2005) + 1 MS Sandisk 4 Go (Aout 2006)

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