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Vieux 10/11/2006, 13h29   #5 (permalink)
bad wolf
Bernard Tapette
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la news est totalement déformé, vive la désinformation

l'article original :

On asking if the PS3 will definitely be out in March in Europe…

“Given that all of our previous statements about launching in Europe simultaneously with the US and Japan turned out not to be the case, I would not like to make any definitive statements on that. It’s not my job to comment on hardware supply issues other than to say some very smart people are working very hard to catch up. In fact, the ramp up is already starting to happen in supply and output, just obviously too late for us to have launched in Europe at the same times as the US.”
en gros, vu que le lancement mondial n'a pas été réussi comme prévu
il ne peut se prononcer sur un lancement en mars

on est quand même loin du "a clairement avoué que la PS3 pourrait ne pas sortir en mars."
il a surtout clairement rien avoué, ni rien confirmé ....
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