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Vieux 15/10/2006, 00h16   #23 (permalink)
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Un petit démentis sur maxconsole :

UMD has a future, insists Sony

The Managing Director of Sony UK has inisted that the UMD movie format still has a viable future. He announced that Sony is pleased with the format and also praised a high attachment ratio.

Despite the initial wave of positivity that greeted the launch of UMD, the platform has had a mixed reception in the market, with some film studios ceasing production and many retailers drastically reducing their in-store offering
Sony, however, still feels there is a strong future for the format. “We’re pretty pleased with UMD,” Sony UK MD Ray Maguire told MCV. “UMD has a fantastic attachment ratio. Where we’ve struggled a little is getting a decent proposition for full-length movies.

UMD is not the problem – it’s getting the right content that’s the challenge. When we put shorts on UMD they sell really well, and that’s related to PSP usage. It’s about getting the offer right, and we will do that.

Source :
PSP US Value Pack 1.5 d'origine (Avril 2005) ---> 3.52 M33-4 (merci Dark_Alex et la Team 33)

1 MS Sandisk 1 Go (Juin 2005) + 1 MS Sandisk 4 Go (Aout 2006)

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