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Vieux 06/10/2006, 10h52   #506 (permalink)
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Je change de la PlayStation 3 mais voila un coup fatal pour Divineo ... (j'ai recu une de leurs commande hier d'ailleurs... bref) Sony a ataqué Divineo et 2 autres vendeur car ils vendent des Modchips, HDDloader qui permettent entre autre de faire passé des jeux mis sur le disque dur. Sony demande $9 Millions !
L'article en anglais :

Mod chip seller hit with million-dollar damages

Mod chip seller Divineo and two other defendants are on the hook for over $9 million in damages after a federal court judge found that they had violated the DMCA by selling mod chips for consoles. The defendants were accused by Sony of trafficking in mod chips as well as the application HDLoader, which allows owners of the PlayStation 2 console to rip and store PS2 games on a hard drive attached to the system.
Divineo is a company based in France that sells parts, accessories, and until recently, mod chips for the Xbox, Xbox 360, PSOne, PS2, GameCube, and other systems.
Although gamers like HDLoader because it allows them to quickly and conveniently access their entire game collections from a hard drive, Sony hates it because of the potential for piracy. HDLoader turns your PS2 into a game jukebox, as Ben said in his review, but the fact that it is also a portable jukebox that can be connected to any system troubles Sony and the Entertainment Software Association immensely.
Mod chips fall under the broad umbrella of the DMCA because they have to circumvent the copy-protection measures used by the consoles in order to operate. Despite the fact that they can indeed be used to get around a console's DRM and play pirated games, mod chips have other, less-nefarious uses, such as playing homebrew and import titles.
"Mod chips and HDLoaders are key elements in facilitating video game piracy because they allow people to play illegally copied games on illegally modified video game consoles," said Ric Hirsch, Senior Vice President of Intellectual Property Enforcement for the ESA. "This Court order is very important because it recognizes the significant damage that mod chips and HDLoaders cause the entertainment software industry and delivers the clear message that trafficking in circumvention devices that enable game piracy will result in heavy penalties."
Divineo's website is still up and running, and a careful search of the site will reveal that it is still selling mod chips. We left a message at their corporate office looking for comment, but had not received a return call prior to running this story
Enfin Sony contre ataque !
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