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Selon ce site, il sera impossible d'utiliser les manettes Bluetooth simultanément avec une connexion à Internet WiFi...
La FCC n'a pas pour but de tester la fréquence du processeur CELL, quanq au problème wifi/bluetooth, un extrait d'un autre document dispo sur le site de la FCC(un email entre l'organisme de test et sony):
Hello, thank you for your comments.
Please see our below purple message.
1.) Are the WLAN and Bluetooth devices able to transmit simultaneously? If
so, then the RF Exposure information must account for the sum of both
transmitters operating simultaneously. Unless I have read this filing wrong,
we need to make an adjustment to the RF Exposure exhibit to take into this
As we stated Page 3 of test report (26KE0202-HO-A & 26KE0202-HO-B), this product cannnot be operated simultaneously.
2.) What would you like to call this device? Would you like the Grant to say
"Multimedia Development Reference Tool"?
Please state as "Reference Tool".
3.) Is the end user able to change channels or have control over different
region channel sets? For US and Canada you should only allow for 802.11b/g
Channels 1-11 to be implemented. The end user cannot be given the
opportunity to operate on any non-US channel sets. Page 35 of Manual may be
interpreted as allowing for "region selection".
This product is to be shipped Europe as well, and the same user manual is to be used so that the specification in Europe is contained.
However, regarding to channel establishment, the maker is set up before the shipment so that the enduser cannot choose the channel by themself.
This product for US and Canada can be used only channel 1 to 11.