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Vieux 19/09/2006, 15h31   #154 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Remercié 52 fois dans 39 Posts
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Désolé cobrat, j'ai pas encore tester

En ce qui concerne les améliorations, Il y en a pas beaucoup ...

Voici les différentes améliorations selon les versions proposées.

Vshexmod v1.18a

- replace old version in folder "ms0:/dh/kd/modfiles"
- Fixed v1.18 crash bug if file name is more than 32 characters

Vshexmod v1.18
- Added macro for ISO/CSO file name.
For example, you rename "Bleach.cso" to "[USAS-40011]Bleach.cso" and add below text line to "ms0:/dh/macro.txt"
[UCAS-40011]name="Bleach - Heat the Soul"
will make vshexmod show the .cso file as "Bleach - Heat the Soul" and also try to look for cover bitmap file name start with "USAS-40011" or "[USAS-40011]"
- Improved "Copy to MS" performance
- Support 24bit/32bit cover bitmap file

Vshexmod v1.17
- Added startup welcome text mode to prevent cracking sound when emulation start
- Switching CPU/BUS clock using "HOME+SELECT" combo key even in single key mode
- Suspend background XMB tasks when copying file to MS to improve performance.

Vshexmod v1.16
- Added show cover picture function, save cover picture from gamespot in 24bit bitmap to "ms0:/dh/covers" with same name as ISO/CSO/DAX file plus .bmp extention. The bitmap file size should be under 100k.
- Added ".dax" extension filter

Some sample covers
180 covers in 24bit bitmap by psycon

Vshexmod v1.15
- Replace old version vshexmod.prx in folder "ms0:/dh/kd/modfiles"
- Now the font list is gnerated from font files in "ms0:/dh/res"
- Specify character encoding in language file to make sure vshexmod use right font.
For example, if you want to use simplified Chinese, add following line to your language file
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