Discussion: PS3 en mars en europe
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Vieux 16/09/2006, 19h45   #172 (permalink)
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Avatar de SiZiOUS
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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J'ai pas trop envie de me taper 20 pages à lire, mais y'a du "nouveau" dans les mésaventures PS3.

Selon ce site, il sera impossible d'utiliser les manettes Bluetooth simultanément avec une connexion à Internet WiFi...

What that basically means is that, if you were to play say Resistance online with your wireless controller (Bluetooth) and you were using the Wireless IEEE802.11b/g module in the PS3 as your internet connection, that it will not simultaneously work, thereby causing problems when playing.
[big_fury]SiZiOUS, http://sbibuilder.shorturl.com/
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