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Vieux 14/09/2006, 20h45   #1 (permalink)
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PSP Pong: le deuxième homebrew non flash pour PSP 2.80 !

Robert A. et Percival de PSP3D viennent de releaser le deuxième homebrew pour firmware 2.0 à 2.80 utilisant la faille tiff. Toujours pas passionant mais cela prouve au moins que cela bouge de ce côté là

Ce premier jet, fait à priori dans l'urgence, ne permet pas encore de screenshots et oblige à une extinction de la console pour quitter. Les eux compères annoncent corriger cela au plus vite.

Notez que ce Pong n'a pas d'A.I. et qu'il faut donc être deux pour en profiter pleinement...

Communiqué original:

v0.1 by Percival (Moderator @ and Robert A. (Admin @

Enjoy this release. To use, simply place the 'pong' folder included in the PHOTO section
on your memory card (works on 2.0 - 2.8 firmwares). Enter the 'pong' folder, and the game
will autostart.

*Known, But Soon To Be Fixed Issues*
- Proper exit not implemented, v0.1 requires hard PSP shutoff.
- Screenshot capability not yet implemented.

Thanks to the Noobz team for the TIFF exploit and SDK!
Check out for news on this and much more.

edit : Robert A. and Percival have just released a new version of the second homebrew game for 2.70-2.80 firmwares (technically compatible with all firmwares 2.0-2.80), TIFF Pong. The update replaces the "multiplayer" aspect of the Pong game with a computer AI, comparable to the AI of GTA Pong (released by Percival and Robert A. back in the early days of the GTA exploit), making the game considerably more fun, and much more addictive. v0.2 also fixes the game exiting issue, and no longer requires a hard reset in order to quit the game. A few stability fixes have also been added, download it and have fun!

New features/fixes in v0.2 include:
- AI for 2.7-2.8 fixed (single player mode).
- Easy exit method fixed (no more hard resets).
- Code optimized and better overall stability.

Note: If you're having trouble getting this to work, try highlighting the 'pong' folder in the 'PHOTO' menu on your memory stick, then press 'Start' to start a slideshow. This seems to be the most reliable method for running it.

prenez la 2 eme version elle est mieux

PONG pour 2.80
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Type de fichier : zip (9,0 Ko, 0 affichages)
Devil may cry 3

Dernière modification par trunks38490 ; 15/09/2006 à 07h04.
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