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Vieux 12/09/2006, 20h54   #5 (permalink)
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Voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur Wikipedia:

"The lyrics of the songs and 'LocoRoco Language', a fictional language were invented by Tsutomu Kouno in order that the music would be the same worldwide."

Et dans l'interview des createurs de LocoRoco disponible sur le sit

"I also love the background music of the game. To keep the same music across the world, I created LocoRoco language myself and wrote the lyrics. LocoRoco sing as they roll, and the volume changes depending on the number of LocoRoco so the song constantly evolves."

Donc, ne cherchez pas à savoir "ce que les locoroco pouvaient bien raconter dans leur fabuleuse chanson": à la manière d'un ICO, pas besoin de parole pour comprendre l'histoire de ces etres...
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