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Vieux 11/09/2006, 19h00   #20 (permalink)
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Au sujet du bug sur les télés non-hd...

Capcom has been quoted as saying that there will no be no patch to fix the text problem on Dead Rising with non-HD TV sets. They say they did investigate into making a patch but due to the extent the patch will have to cover, it was just not a feasable option.

    And waited. And waited. Finally, we decided to follow-up with Capcom about the issue's status, and the response wasn't encouraging. "Dead Rising was optimized for HD and we offered some suggestions for SD TV owners," said a company representative.

    So, the question is, will there ever be a patch? Unfortunately, that's a no. "Due to the amount of text and the size of the patch necessary to change the text, a patch isn't possible for this issue," said the company. "We had asked the team if it was even possible but ... due to the scope of what a patch would need to cover, it wasn't possible."

Personellement je trouve ça inadmissible de sortir un jeu buggé et doublement inadmissible de dire qu'ils ne sortiront pas de patch car trop compliqué a mettre en oeuvre.

Je n'ai pas testé le jeux, donc je ne peux pas constater l'ampleur du bug mais je trouve le principe déplorable...

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