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Vieux 06/09/2006, 22h47   #33 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Par défaut

Les sources sont aussi dispo MAIS seulement après avoir passer ce test (pour trouver l'url), bizarre comme méthode :

for those of you who wanted the source,
you have to pass this test for the url
1) first part starts with a little smashgp site, you may know
2) then programs
3) then this program's name(CAPS does matter, no need for version number though)
4) and source in short form
5) and dont forget the dot zippage
(hint: only put a / when i say then)
(ps, dont put this second part (about the src) on frontpage, if they want it, they will ask me, or visit the thread)
PSP US Value Pack 1.5 d'origine (Avril 2005) ---> 3.52 M33-4 (merci Dark_Alex et la Team 33)

1 MS Sandisk 1 Go (Juin 2005) + 1 MS Sandisk 4 Go (Aout 2006)

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