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Vieux 05/09/2006, 17h54   #19 (permalink)
bad wolf
Bernard Tapette
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 12x CAV drive like the one in the 360 will be 12x speed for around 15% of the outer disc, that figure is peak performance. The closer to the inner ring it gets the slower accesses get (5x speed on the inner ring) - probable average: around 8x speed. Another interesting thing seems to escape everyone is that the 12x DVD drive in the 360 only reads dual layer discs at a maximum of 8x speed. As it was in single layer, the 8x speed is peak performance. he 2x speed BD drive performs quite well in this case: a TBD25 on PS3 fares better than a DVD9 on the 360. The great majority of 360 games are and will be pressed on DVD9s. Another interesting point with existing CLV BD drives is that they do not have the dual layer penalization with DVD dics. If a BD drive is rated to read DVDs at 8x, it will read dual layer DVDs at 8x as well. This is why Sony is comfortable with its choice and knows it will hold its own against MS's choice in the DVD format.

Caching thankfully minimizes either DVD or BD's shortcomings, and careful authoring on either format will help minimize speed issues. These technicalities shouldn't matter to a true gamer and any advantages in either format will in all likelyhood go unnoticed in any regard to the untrained.

alors en gros, le lecteur de la x360 est un 12x en CAV, càd 12x maximum et vitesse réduite à 8x maximum (4x en moyenne????) quand on change de couche

le lecteur de la ps3 est en CLV, càd vitesse de 2x contante qu'elle que soit la couche

la majorité des jeux x360 seront en DVD9, je te laisse conclure comme tu le veux

mais bon, ça me fait quand même encore rire ce genre de news : la même personne fait une critique sur les lecteurs ps3 et x360 mais les sites ne retiennent qu'une seule partie.
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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