Discussion: uLaunchElf v3.97
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Vieux 28/08/2006, 14h26   #1 (permalink)
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Je me permets de poster la derniere version de LaunchElf pour ceux qui veulent mettre à jour !

LaunchELF v3.97 (2006.08.28)
-Increased font resolution from 8x8 to 8x16 (replaced font5200.c with font_uLE.c)
-Used the new font resolution to improve the symmetry of some characters. As yet this includes "ABEFHPRSUÄÅÖ"
-Fixed the inclusion of the new FTP server improved by EP, which I botched in v3.96

Source : PS2-Scene

Lien : http://rapidshare.de/files/31062187/...hELF_v3.97.zip

Si quelqu'un veut traduire les détails de cette nouvelle version...

++ !
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