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Vieux 26/08/2006, 21h23   #1 (permalink)
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salut a tous voila il semblerait que sony est enfin decider a supporter les homebrew voici l'article en anglais desoler

Yes this is groundbreaking news folks now take a look at this screengrab from Sonys PSP Connect Site

Anyone who visited the site or looked at the screengrab will have noticed that Sonys Connect Site are advertising a link to the PSP Homebrew Site PSPUPdates, now this is groundbreaking stuff because if Sony themselves on their PSP Connect Download Site are linking to a Homebrew Site then Sony themselves must be supporting Homebrew

I am personally a little surprised that Sony have stuck the link on their site, i mean there is the Devhook loader freely downloadable on PSPUpdates which Sony last month shut a Japanese site down for hosting it but Sony must be happy about it ??

So to everyone in the PSP Scene lets all raise a hand to Sony for at last giving homebrew (pity they didnt choose this site but eh everyone makes a mistake) the thumbs Up

There may be problems though, im sure Nintendo etc will not be happy if Sony are openly encouraging homebrew and with that comes emulators.

Come on people lets discuss and celebrate Sonys seemingly acceptance of the Homebrew Scene.
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