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Vieux 16/07/2006, 22h55   #477 (permalink)
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Harleyg from our forums has released another custom firmware for all you firmware flashers out there! Harleyg's custom firmware mod adds a menu and submenus inside recovery mode, so you can replace vshmain.prx, index.dat and recovery.elf via recovery mode with all safety checks, etc. Not satisfied with that, Harleyg has also added the option to change the CPU clock speed, USB mode, and remove custom firmware patch.

Harleyg has also modded another custom firmware so you can now "dual boot" into 2.71 firmware by auto-loading DevHook at startup by holding the left trigger while booting, otherwise you go into 1.50! This ingenious idea should make it much easier to launch higher firmwares or keep in 1.5 with minimal hassle! Although this custom firmware mod has been tested by Harleyg many times, bricking your PSP is always a possibility when writing to the flash memory - please be careful!

Ce que j'ai compris :

- sous menu dans le recovery mode pour remplacer vshmain.prx, index.dat and recovery.elf
- options usb, overlock 333, et unflash
- boot en 2.71 si maintien de la touche L au démarrage
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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