04/07/2006, 13h42
#9 (permalink)
Boot Methods:
ripper2 has 5 Boot Modes:
PS2, PSX, DVD Video, Dev and Sleep/Stealth Modes.
- For PS2 Games, use PS2 Mode.
- For PSX Games, use PSX Mode.
- For DVD Videos, use DVD Video Mode.
- To boot applications off the Playstation 2 Memory Card,
use Dev Mode.
The ripper2 will default to PS2 mode if no button is pressed during startup.
For online games that detect modchips or PS2 Utility Discs (like the DVD Player upgrade disc that comes with the Sony DVD Remote), use Sleep/Stealth Mode.
PS2 Mode: Insert Game - close tray
PS1 Mode: Insert Game - press Reset 2x
DVD Mode: Insert Movie - press Reset 3x
DEV Mode: press and hold Triangel Button on Joypad - press Reset 1x
Sleep/Stealth Mode: From Standby turn on the PS2 by keeping the Resetbutton pressed for 2 seconds
C'est ce qui est écrit sur ma doc!