Zero-X a déjà répondu sur la possibilité de changer le mode du disque dur une fois arrivé ds la gamelist:
Reloading the drivers would be easy, but creating a new menusystem to support changing the mode would be much more difficult.
Et perso, je reste ébahi de voir ces mecs ajouter autant de choses au HDLoader, alors qu'ils n'ont aucun code source, juste la possibilité d'hex-éditer l'ELF...
(edit): wallacee le décrit très bien:
"The thing here is the community working on the patches for hdloader (crazyc/zerox) have to make fixes manually with no source and have to constantly overcome these obstacles by debugging the elf at a level which makes it 100 times more frustrating. which is by no means an easy task as its all assembly code related as there is no hdloader source."