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Vieux 08/06/2006, 20h34   #3 (permalink)
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Sur ps2nfo, voila ce qu'ils en disent :

"Booster has updated to PSP Device Hook Sample Launcher v0.41a today. To upgrade yours, simply overwrite your existing MS files with the ones in this archive. Changes include: Fixes game selection from XMB with Home + L/R Now 2.60 work, corrected a bug which doesn't restore wallpaper properly after resume (from sleep), for ANYUMD mode, corrected a bug which doesn't change the ISO properly (using HOME+L/R), and WiFi at 333 MHz does NOT work yet."

C'est juste un .prx a changé !

Edit: Voila un lien :
PSP US Value Pack 1.5 d'origine (Avril 2005) ---> 3.52 M33-4 (merci Dark_Alex et la Team 33)

1 MS Sandisk 1 Go (Juin 2005) + 1 MS Sandisk 4 Go (Aout 2006)

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