Une interview de Ken Kutaragi:
http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2.../kaigai276.htm a été traduite en anglais et publiée ici:
Comme d'habitude, KK nous fait part de sa vision des choses
quelques extrait intéressants...
KK: After all, we don't say it's a game console (laugh) PS3 is clearly a computer unlike PSs of so far.
KK: However, as PS3 is a computer, (not only reducing the cost) but also wants to evolve. We'll want to upgrade the HDD size very soon, if new standards appear in PC we will want to support them. We may want the BD drive to write. Well, BD may not become like that though.
KK: Since PS3 is a computer there are no "models" but "configurations". This time we try to make it clear. May as well release BTO (built-to-order) list if possible (laugh) Well, but if we do it the distribution will be confused. But, with PS3, we can do BTO if we want.
HG: In an old interview you said there's no hardware called PS3 but only a meta-format. Is it possible for PS3 to do hardware configuation as long as it has the spec enough to run softwares of a certain profile?
KK: That's right. So every configuration is PS3.
HG: Is it planned that it extends its spec every year like PC?
KK: I think it's okay to release a (extended) configuration every year (laugh). Though I say it like a joke, Dell will do it and Apple will do it too. In PC, if you fix (the spec) for 2 years you'll be caught up (by competitors). Computers should be changing, right? It's inevitable that 60GB (HDD) will become short, memory may become short too. There are many possibilities.
Bon la PS3 est un PC, on est au moins sur de çà lol
Alors la PS3 upgradée chaque année ou bien Kutaragi s'est un peu trop lâché ?