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Vieux 01/06/2006, 09h54   #8 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Voila une config qui serait pas mal pour un PC MCE :

Athlon 64 3000+ (BOX s939) >> 97€
Gigabyte GA-K8N51MF-9 >> 57€
2*512MB DDR Corsair Value >> 2*39€
Seagate Barracuda SATAII 300GB >> 107€
Terratec 2400i DT (Bi-Tuner TNT PCI-E 1x) >> 89€
Graveur Pioneer DVR-111D Black >> 40€
Antec NSK2400 380W >> 87€
Telecommande Windows Media Center >> 40€

Total : 600€ comme je l'avais dit
Hello IT ... Have you tried to turn it off and on again ? ... The button on the side, is it glowing ? ... Yeah you need to turn it on ! ... The button turns it on ? ... You DO know how a button works don't you ! ?
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