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Vieux 16/05/2006, 21h03   #616 (permalink)
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le liser moi Me And My Katamari USA NO UMD FiX

This is a simple NO UMD FiX by Mortimus:

1) Extract Me_And_My_Katamari_USA_PSP-ARTiSAN to a folder on your PC using iSOBuster or similar utility.

2) From your original PSP_GAME folder move all of the files/folders (*EXCEPT for the USRDIR\module\kmodule and USRDIR\module\module folders and files in them*) to the katamari folder from this pack.

NOTE: The reason you don't move the folders/files listed above is because patched ones are already included in this pack.

3) Now follow the instructions as normal:

Copy all folders contained in this release to the root of your memory stick.

Now boot using RunUMD.

NOTE: Although this is labeled a "NO UMD" release, that just means you don't need the actual MAMK UMD in the drive to play the game, however, you will need a UMD in the drive to run it (any UMD game should work).

je suis en train de test avec la eur autrement c casi sur que sa marche avec la us
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