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Vieux 15/05/2006, 00h24   #50 (permalink)
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Le patch 0.7e est "non-officiel". Il va bientôt y avoir un officiel. Citation de Zero-X :

"There has been some discussion with Crazyc and me about the next HDLPatch and some changes to the compatibility menu options, with only one date/time fix, network propably enabled for good, UAB, SotC, etc. patches on just one selectable option, and then Soul Calibur 2 & Suikoden V sharing only one option.
There has also been ideas about doing some kind of a selectable MDMA/UDMA mode (among other things)."

De toute façon, les résultats finaux, les HDLoader patchés, sont les mêmes. Mais il est possible que les modes au-dessus du 3 changent bientôt...
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