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Vieux 27/04/2006, 23h47   #126 (permalink)
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We have several Site News items to share, but to begin today a couple new PSP Dumper utilities are now available- read more below!

* Dark_AleX has shared UMD DAX Dumper BETA For PSP today! This tool can make a back-up of your PSP UMD in DAX, iSO, or GZIP format.

* Booster has released PSP NAND Flash Dumper v1.00 today! This utility dumps a raw image of the PSP NAND Flash to MemoryStick, and a command line tool (included) converts it to a psp_hdd image... perhaps custom NAND Flash emulation for his DevHook is forthcoming?!

* For those following the recent v2.70 PSP Firmware release, some new modules have been discovered as follows: amctrl.prx, avcodec.prx, game_install_plugin.prx, iofilemgr_dnas.prx, irda.prx, mm_flash.prx, psheet.prx, usbacc.prx, usbcam.prx, usbgps.prx, usbgps_serial.prx, usbmic.prx, usbpspcm.prx, and video_main_plugin.prx. These tend to hint upon upcoming features including support for such things as a Camera, GPS, and Mic, however, most still won't be upgrading until it plays homebrew and iSO images I'm sure.

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