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Vieux 01/04/2006, 18h24   #606 (permalink)
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j'ai trouver le log Generic_RunUMD_Hack_and_BOOT1[1]

mais l'instruction est on anglais alors qui pourai me traduire sa ,please
Generic RunUMD Patch
Okay, here's a generic patcher to try out if new games work using 
a hacked RunUMD release. This is tested to work on the games so
far released.

How to use
Place the contents of the "Generic RunUMD Mod" folder in /PSP/GAME.
This is the modified RunUMD so it can read files from memory stick
instead of the UMD like it normally does.

Extract your ISO to the root of your memory stick. You should then
have a "PSP_GAME" folder on the root of your memory stick.

Now, patch the *game's* BOOT.BIN (and the EBOOT.BIN if you like) 
using the patcher found in the folder "Generic BOOT.BIN Patcher".

Then, place the *PATCHED* BOOT.BIN (and EBOOT.BIN if applicable) 
in the /PSP_GAME/SYSDIR folder and overwrite the original files.

Now you can try to launch to launch the hacked RunUMD from the PSP.
Try to extract the files using the Button "O" and then execute the
game using the Button "X". This should extract the firmware files
extracted from the update to the "x" folder on the root of your 
memory stick.

If that fails you may want to try out "x" folders from other releases
instead or even combine them all. Not all games will extract, for 
example 2.6 games. You can still try to run them by using an "x" folder
from a different 2.5 game. Basically, you need to experiment with that.

Apart from that, everything's automated for you. 

I hope you enjoy.

P.S. If you still have questions, I think you should delete this patch
and forget about it 
Salut All

je commence la vie active , j'ai trouver un travail ( C.D.I ) , et comme ce travail est basé à Montauban , j'emmenage labas , dans un T1 , donc je n'aurai pas le net pendant au moins 3 mois , le temps que je prenne un a
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