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Vieux 15/02/2004, 19h27   #15 (permalink)
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marche pas.....

sinon j ai trouve un fichier txt dans le rar du cd loader...

c est un tuto en dit

1. Burn this image to CDR.
2. Insert your CD Swap Magic 2 disc and boot it.
3. Swap it with the CDR you just burned as with any PS2 backup.
4. Once it boots (very obvious) eject the CDR with the PS2 eject button.
5. Insert your SM2 DVD (or any other PS2 original with a high TOC)
6. Press X when the original is recognized in the lower left of the screen. This will NOT boot your SM2 DVD/Original PS2 game. It will simply stop the DVD spinning so you can swap!
7. At this point swap with your DVDR backup you wish to boot using flip top or other method.
8. Press X.
9. There you go!

mais j comprend rien a avec le traducteur de
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