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Vieux 08/03/2006, 14h30   #171 (permalink)
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Incoming WEmerica Patch V4
"Road to World Cup 2006"


-all last missing kits adidas/ nike / puma wc2006 and can2006 (portugal, turkey, england away etc.. is here!)
-Angola,Ghana,Trinidad,Togo added (only in O.F)
-cska moscow added (replace WE) (only in O.F)
-boca junior added (replace PES) (only in O.F)
-newparabin et new option file with last missing transferts players and last fix for falses names players
-more than 40 new players created (Wayne Routledge,DJ Campbell,Theo Walcott, Oliech..) (only in O.F)
-new musics world cup
-ball nike mercurial, nike yellow
-2d kits udpated (licensed only)
-some new faces
-some updated stats (messi,c.ronaldo..)
-3 stadiums kits updated
-few faces which exist before only on option file, are added for online and tournament players in the parabin


-fix preview balls
-fix black screen sociedad,bordeaux,cotedivoire,colombie
-updated/fix kits (manchester,arsenal,juventus, holland, brasil, chelsea...)
-fix on few lineup
-fix online problem auxerre,real madrid
-fix for some bad faces
-fix stats for few players updated and few fix (brasil,inter..)
-a lot of double players deleted (only in option file)
-fix problem generic chants spain
-fix reefere kits
-fix reals names stadiums for online and tournament users who dont use my option file
-yonif commentary/callnames 1.1 final fix
-fix quality shoe adidas f50 unit
-fix black box names replay
[Patchmaker OleTeam]
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