Discussion: saturn sur dc
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Vieux 13/02/2004, 18h47   #1 (permalink)
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ou je telecharge je vois souvent sega saturn boot dick for dreamcast
et sur un site tout en anglais j ai trouver ca mais je ne sais pas se que sa veux dire
si quelqu un connait l anglais
good luck
voila a plus


suppose your wanting a boot disc so you dont have to mod your saturn?

well...I found this on direct connect but do not remember who I got it from! sorry!

The file un-rar's to a 10 meg Clone CD image that does burn correctly... but it reads

as an audio cd in a non-mod saturn... In my modded saturn it comes up with the SEGA

logo and says "complete" in the upper left side of the screen! But that's about it!

Anyone that can make this work...please message me on Direct Connect!
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