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Vieux 04/01/2006, 20h09   #1 (permalink)
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Voici une astuce pour faire marcher les jeux récents incompatibles de base avec le hd :

Here's the trick. Since SOTC and Tenkaichi works nice running fron disc using SwapMagic 3.3, if you get the ELF file for Swap Magic 3.3 and put it into the game ISO so when you launch the game with HDLoader the first thing to load is the SwapMagic, like ususally cog swap users do to avoid making double swaps to load games thas uses double checks, they work perfect, checked 100% woth SOTC and Tenkaichi (hope it works with some of the non working actual titles).

Here's a step-by-step tutorial (in spanish) on how to rebuild isos.
Si quelqu'un pouvait traduire proprement le tuto en français ça serai génial
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