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Vieux 03/01/2006, 23h20   #45 (permalink)
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J'ai pécho une nouvelle info pour Zelda :

En gros on n'y apprend seulement que sur Révo le jeu sera jouable avec le controlleur "freestyle". Je pense que si le jeu serait sorti maintenant il aurait eu moins d'impact sur Révo. En plus si le gameplay y est adapté à 100% alors là On jouerait en mode nuncha-ku avec les deplacements et on manipulerai les accessoires avec la télécommande. Viser avec l'arc, le bommerang etc sera bcp plus simple.

Et sinon y'a quoi comme grosse nouveauté sur Game Cube cette année ????

ma source en anglais :

Back in November, Nintendo was quick to quash rumours that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would make an appearance on the Revolution rather than the GameCube.

And whilst that's still very much the case, a new twist in the tale has emerged, since apparently you'll be able to play Twilight Princess on your Revolution using the crazy new "freestyle" controller.

Nintendo, you may recall, announced that Twilight Princess was delayed back in August, saying that the development team needed more time to "add some incredible new elements" to the game.

Well, according to NGC magazine, these elements are specifically designed to enhance the game for those playing on their shiny new Revolution consoles.

"Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller," the article states.

"When you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring."

But what kind of advantages, exactly? Can we expect new weapons and the like, new levels or perhaps some brand new gameplay? Nothing else has been revealed so far, and we're still waiting for Nintendo to tell us whether or not this is just a rumour, so it's a case of wait and see. In the meantime, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is due out in the spring.
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