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Vieux 02/01/2006, 18h03   #4 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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1: Include a new special mode for FIRMWARE 2.50 only (Should inprove stability)
2: Triangle + SELECT to toggle the mode status (Only can be set before emulation start)
3: Default special mode status is "OFF"
4: Fix some driver.c and patch.c conflict to minimize hang (Only tested on FIRMWARE 2.50 and little bit stable)
5: What is the special mode? It is a background thread to minitoring the sceIO.. API and to prevent hang
6: Patch the ICON 
7: The last U version for MPH 1.3.7 series and now wait for MPH 1.3.8
8: Final note: Always remember to support the original software company
   miemt11: Bye bye everyone and see you all next year
j'ai la flemme de traduire
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