Tu crées un dossier SYS-CONF dans ta carte mémoire, tu y mets un LAUNCHELF.CNF, et tu fais tes réglages. Ensuite tu lances des Launchelf tout seuls, sans LAUNCHELF.CNF avec eux.
Upon program execution, several locations are probed in order to read the configuration settings. If the settings file is located in the current directory, LaunchELF stores the location and reads the file to memory. The file is parsed and settings are restored accordingly. Future settings changes will result in a write process to the file which was originally read into memory. The file is read in the following order
1 Directory LaunchELF was run from
2 mc0:/SYS-CONF/
3 mc1:/SYS-CONF/
If the settings file is not found, LaunchELF creates the file and loads default settings to mc%d:/SYS-CONF/LAUNCHELF.CNF, only if the directory mc%d:/SYS-CONF exists.