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Vieux 29/09/2005, 14h12   #2 (permalink)
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Tetris pour PSP Firmware v2.0

"Fanjita has emailed us a Tetris game for PSP’s with 2.0 firmware. Here is what she had to say:

Continuing in the vein of the Pong homebrew, here's my first homebrew production for the PSP : Tetris for the 2.0 firmware. Mostly I wrote it as an exercise in learning the PSPSDK, and exploring the TIFF exploit.

Play by using the below h.bin in the usual way.

It's all a bit rough round the edges at the moment (there's a glitch in the rendering of the blocks half-way down the screen that I can't seem to get rid of), but it's certainly playable."

Download :,0,0,0,12,1424

Un nouveau Homebrew pour PSP 2.0
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