* Is a Backdoor Trojan horse that gives an attacker full control over your computer.
* Opens a port on the system.
* Is written in Delphi.
* Is packed with UPX.
Ce n'est donc pas un virus mais un troyen, il s'attaque aussi au registre.
# Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP).
# Update the virus definitions.
# Restart the computer in Safe mode (Windows 95/98/Me) or Safe mode with Command Prompt (Windows 2000/XP).
# Reverse the changes made to the registry.
# Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode (Windows Me/XP).
# Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Backdoor.Prorat.
en français:
#Désactiver la restauration du sytème Windows XP
#Mettre à jour la définition des virus Norton
#Redemarrer en mode sans echec
#annuler les changements fait au registre
# Type the following:
# Do one of the following:
* Windows 2000/XP: Press Enter.
* Windows 95/98/Me: Click OK.
# Navigate to each of these keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{5Y99AE78-58TT-11dW-BE53-Y67078979Y}
# For each one, in the right pane, if any of the following values are found, delete that value:
"DirectX for Microsoft Windows"="%System%\Fservice.exe"
"DirectX for Microsoft Windows"="%System%\Sservice.exe"
# Do one of the following:
* Windows 95/98/Me. Skip to step i.
* Windows NT/2000/XP: Proceed with step g.
# Navigate to the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
# In the right pane, modify the value:
"Shell"="explorer.exe %System%\Fservice.exe"
# Exit the Registry Editor.
# Do one of the following:
o Windows 95/98/Me: Skip to section 6.
o Windows NT/2000/XP: Continue on to section 5.
#Relance norton et refais un scan
C'est un peu beaucoup pour un troyen, si ça te parait trop laborieux essayes des logiciels tels que troyan hunter etc.
Avis perso: Achete un routeur firewall(firewall physique donc) ya que ça de vrai, ça se configue une fois pour toute et tu bouffe plus de conneries comme ça