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Vieux 18/01/2004, 23h13   #1 (permalink)
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Voilà je viens aider Bad10 pour son travaille, et le BB Navigator est payant. Donc là DjKamel et les autres vous faites du warez sur ce topics. Car il est créer par Sony et vendu avec une console en pack qui comprend le disque dur, le BB Navigator et autre chose.

Preuve :

Most notable perhaps because of its increased DVD capability, the new model will allow gamers to play DVD-R, DVD-RW, R+, and RW+ on their systems for the very first time. Also of interest is the SPCH-50000's ability to support progressive scan for DVD movies in addition to videogames. Though progressive scan mode will not be available for recorded discs. This Broadband Pack is ready to play online and contains a PS2 Network Adapter, 40GB HDD, Vertical Stand and BB Navigator (PS2's internet browser software) and comes in a Midnight Blue color taken from the colors of the PS2 logo. Ready to play current and upcoming online titles such as Final Fantasy XI and Gran Turismo 4.

DVD video progressive scan output

Reinforcement of DVD video playback capabilities

Infrared port built in, for Sony's new generation remote control unit

Supports opening and closing the tray, as well as turning the system on and off, through the remote control

Reduced fan noise by 75%, improved control of air flow

Includes 40GB Internal HDD

Includes PS2 Ethernet Adapter

Includes matching "Midnight Blue" Vertical Stand

Includes Playstation BB Navigator Version 0.30

preuve :

Et ce logiciel fut créer par Sony, donc détiens des droit et est non freeware étant donnée qu'il est vendu en pack.

Encore merci Shining pour ton aide.
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