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Vieux 26/08/2005, 17h27   #4 (permalink)
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the past unfortunately showed us that your ideas were always stolen by $ony.
It's very unhappy to see those bastard at the first place on gaming console.
They never brought anything to the development of games or console : maybe yes,
with the eyetoys. But this machine is not really exploited.
We all know, and $ony the first, that it's Sega who brought, in the first place,
the joystick. Nintendo were the first to brought the shocked pad with the
Nintendo 64 rumble pack. But unfortunately, $ony has stolen the two ideas of the
companies to make that sheeting dual shock pad.
I know, and people know, that it's one of the fact why the N64 wasn't a great
hit like the Nintendo or the SuperNintendo.
The point is clear that all Nintendo innovation was stolen by $ony. But you are,
in my point of view, playing with fire. The thing is that Microsoft gonna
release the Xbox 360 and people know many things about the P$3. But for the
Revolution, we have any concrete information for an unspecified seduction.
People will be enough of waiting and they will turn over towards the concurents.
So, perhaps this would be preferable to show us a little thing of the revolution
capacities and how to play without showing the pad. Many of your fan tought that
you combine shown a little thing in the month of August.
Can you tell us when are you gonna show us a little thing of the pad?
When are we gonna understand why the Nintendo Revolution it's so Revolutionist?
Many of your fans rely on you, do not disappoint them
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