20/08/2005, 21h40
#1 (permalink)
Voila en me baladant tranquillement sur mes favoris, je tombe sur une news qui marque une étape importante dans le Hack du Firmware 2.0 .. aprés Le Fake.. voici Le VRAI :
" Yoshihro has reported a way to make the PsP read the ELF in a different format. He also included a small video showing how the V2.0 PsP reacted. This is just a test and does show v2.0 firmware is able to load homebrew if done correctly which we'll hopefully see in the near future.
This Was Just Done As Proof Of Concept, There Is Still NO Way To Load Homebrew On 1.5x/2.x Firmware.
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Release Info
Title : Test Kxploit on psp 2.0 with corrupted elf m8
Team : WAB
Date : 20.08.05
Type : TEST Yoshihiro 2.0
Coders : Yoshihiro
Contacts :
WEB : wab.com
IRC : #WAB@irc.blackcats-games.com
Note :
Fuck to all Lamerz who owns #WAB@Efnet and
claims to be US ....
We are not lame people who "hack" src from others...
We dont need brains
They need a Brain (just one for them all will be enough) :
The Fake channel #wab on Efnet, fallchild the Fake Yoshihiro on Efnet,
CoreCz , MrMike ,sainticus and many others
How To :
!!! HOW use it !!!
Put your two folders on your games folders and run it .your game boot
and freeze your psps on white screen .after your psps shutdown it's
because your second eboot.pbp like on kxploit "From pspsdev team for psp 1.5"
is corrupted juste find teh 02000800 and replace the 08 by 01 for test in
the header of your elf it's easy but it's proof concept the psp 2.0 can read
the elf but in another format .
Greetingz :
PDX, Psp-Dev, PSPX, iND, Pixel8, Mrsiir, Nexis2600,THC "The Frenchie",Melo"From Gueux.be"
T!TAN, RZR, Korea2005, GNT, Syn[RJ], elz ,
L.A 44, NeoAyatoNantes.com
and all our supporters at #wab and donators at wab.com.
Yoshihiro Video (Proof Of Concept!)
French Source
Thanks D0G1 for letting us know, sorry about the ban, my script is a bit protective! Feel free to come and join us in the chat again!
Lien pour essayer le test >>>
!!! Comment utilisé !!!
Mettez vos deux dossiers dans votre dossier X:/PSP/GAME et lancé le
.votre jeux boot et freeze votre psp sur l'ecran blanc .aprés votre psps s'eteins
c'est parceque le second eboot.pbp comme dan sle kxploit " de la team pspsdev pour psps 1.5" est corrompue recherche juste 02000800et replace le 08 part 01 pour testé dans en tête de votre executable c'ets facile mais c'est la preuve du concepte que la psps 2.0 peut lire les elf mais dan sun autre format .
Lien Pour la Video >>>
LA : http://modiller.psp-spot.com/Random/...rmware_POC.mpg
ou la: