Discussion: MGS4 au TGS
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Vieux 19/08/2005, 21h26   #1 (permalink)
bad wolf
Bernard Tapette
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bonne nouvelle,
au TGS (16 au 18 septembre) Kojima présentera bien autre chose qu'un simple teaser pour le prochain Metal Gear Solid, un peu comme pour MGS2 sur PS2

sources : IGN

GC 2005: Konami Press Conference Details
Metal Gear makes its debut in Europe, but it's probably not the one you're thinking of.
by Tal Blevins
August 19, 2005 - It probably comes as no surprise that the big buzz at the Konami booth at this year's Games Convention was a Metal Gear title. However, unlike E3, it wasn't Metal Gear Solid that was making the crowd rumble for more -- it was Metal Gear Acid.

Since European gamers won't be able to get their hands on Sony's PSP at local stories until September 1st, Konami's big press conference draw was Metal Gear Acid, presented by Hideo Kojima himself.
However, even though no new information about Metal Gear Solid 4 was given at the show (the E3 trailer was shown again at the Konami booth, along with a new Subsistence trailer), Kojima did say "At Tokyo Game Show, we actually plan to show not only a teaser, but something from PS3."

Expect to learn more right here on IGN as we'll be on-hand in Tokyo covering the show.
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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