14/08/2005, 11h03
#12 (permalink)
TDC Pack
Dreamcast Fighting Game *3 in 1*
Released: April 7, 2004
Filename : TDC_Final.rar
Platform : Sega Dreamcast (DC)
Format : Padus Discjuggler v4
Let's see what the hell is this disk.
1. Capcom Vs SNK 2 (JPN)
2. Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (US)
3. Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (US)
4. XDP Browser
5. bonnus stuff
6. Hit start at the main menu to get the cursor to appear.
7. Save files with everything unlocked have been included so you never need worry about unlocking characters.
8. XDP is the best browser for English speaking folks, period. Xcalibur007 and team did an amazing job translating the Japanese browser, which means I finally have a worthwhile browser that will support the broadband adapter. It supports the modem too, but the BBA is what I have on mine. Use it, learn it, live it. You can download it as a standalone at http://www.psilocybindreams.com
9. SF3:3S used basically the same song three times for each stage. The only difference would be a different refrain in the beginning, or an additional instrument. For each stage, two were deleted, and the remaining one used for each round. Personally, I couldn't notice the difference if paid to; Im focused on the game. I hope you will agree the tradeoff is well, well worth it. CvS2 and MvC2 were not modified at all;one-for-one identical to the original release.
10. JeffMa deserves gratitude for showing us what can be accomplished with this.
11. Xcalibur007 and the rest of the XDP team deserve gratitude for their amazing work on XDP.
12. For kicks: Open up the disc in Windows explorer, highlight every folder and file, right-click, choose properties. It shows 2.8 GIG of data. I just thought that was cool; linking made all of this possible.
- 3 jogos em 1 unico CD; (3 jeux dans un unique CD)
- Menu Seleção para os 3 games! (Menu selection pour les 3 jeux + 1 browser)
- Tudo a 100% menos 2 tracks retiradas do SF3 (tout est 100% sauf pour 2 tracks qui on etait retiré de SF3..."personelment j'ai meme pas fait atention"
(pessoalmente eu nem notei)