Discussion: USBextreme et WE9
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Vieux 10/08/2005, 11h06   #4 (permalink)
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**********************USBextreme/USB advance DNAS removal 1.1**********************************
Well as promised heres my tutorial on how to bypass the DNAS protection on games for the USBextreme which cause some games not to work.I have no idea if this method will work for HDL or HDA and seeing as i have neither ill leave it up 2 everybody else to try that.

************************************************** *********************************************

A)Made the tutorial more user friendly and easier to understand
B)Removed the IOPR'S from the zip,sorry guys but for legal reasons
C)The New Html look and Corrected a few typo's (oops)

Right on to the tutorial!


1.0 Theory
2.0 What ya gonna need!
3.0 chapter 1 - disc-overy!
4.0 chapter 2 - DNAS?no thank you!
5.0 chapter 3 - Sony CD-Gen
6.0 chapter 4 - Copying?
7.0 chapter 5 - Lets mount this sucker!
8.0 Greetz
9.0 Disclaimer!?(yep there is one!)
10. Contact me!

*****************1.0 Theory****************

I thought long and hard about the various reasons why certain games dont work on USB advance.I did a lot of hex poking around and I figured out (e.g. crash n burn)that the SLUS* file checks for the DNAS300.IMG right after loading the boot screen,And that's where it hung so i examined the iopr*.IMG from dbz budokai 3 and i noticed that the files where very similar and perhaps the only difference between the 2 is that the DNAS file had some form of cd-check routine in it.So i regenerated the disc but renaming the IOPR*.IMG from dbz to the DNAS300.IMG ON the crash n burn disc .Loaded it up in USB advance and BINGO,it loaded up 100%

****************2.0 What ya gonna need!*****************

-Usb hard drive
-Usb advance
-Sony's CD generator 1.20 (that's the version i used)
-+/- 15gb hard drive space
-The iopr*.img from a working disc
-A ps2
-for this tutorial we are going to use juiced (PAL)

right enuff chit chat lets get right to it:

*****************3.0 Chapter 1 -Disc-overy!****************

-First of all lets open up the disc in windows explorer.
-Search somewhere on the disc for "DNAS*.IMG"
-If this is a DNAS game it will find a DNAS file,make note of the file name e.g."DNAS280.IMG"
-Now open up the Ps2 DVD game in windows explorer etc and press cntr+a to select all the files and folders here,now copy all the files to a folder on your hard drive.Can be any folder just remember where you put them obviously

*****************4.0 chapter 2 - DNAS?no thank you!*****************

-Now here's where you need some original ps2 games,search each disk for some files called "IOPR*.IMG".Look for one that corresponds to the file name above eg. juiced from memory is DNAS280.IMG,I got my corresponding IOPR file from Sonys own Demo disc(thanx sony.So select the corresponding IOPR280.IMG file (NOTE you must take the corresponding IOPR that matches the DNAS file name e.g.IOPR280.IMG for DNAS280.IMG or it wont work) and copy it into the folder on your hard drive where you copied the contents of the disc as done above.Delete the old DNAS file in here and rename this IOPR file to what the DNAS file was called eg DNAS280.IMG.
-Don't worry if file sizes don't match

*****************5.0 chapter 3 -Sony CD-Gen 1.20****************

-Im not going to go over this as there are tons of other tutorials on the net on how to use this app(or alternatively use sabans Ultra iso method to avoid using CD-Gen)

****************6.0 Chapter 4 - copying*****************

-There are two methods for combining the files made by cd-gen:

Method 1:Now that cdgen has made your .000 and .001 files open up dos(cmd in winxp)
-open the folder where these files are located and type copy /b *(where * is what you called it from cdgen).000 + *.001 *.iso (* name you want your iso to be called)

Method 2: Perform a search on the net for a util called "IML2ISO".When CD-Gen created the files,it has to save a file with an extension of *.iml.Now what we do is use the above tool to open that iso and it can reconstruct the iso form that iml file.Pretty snazzy!

*****************7.0 Chapter 5 - Lets mount that sucker!*****************

-Open nero image drive or any other iso mounting app you have eg (daemon tools etc) and mount the newly created iso as made above.

-now just run ul_install form dos(i prefer this to the win32 version) and install the iso you mounted as normal using the drive which is made when the iso is mounted

AND BINGO YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR DNAS GAME WORKING - with no net support obviously!

Tested and working games so far with no apparent glitches:

Visit the thread @ www.ps2hd.com/forums to see the list of games so far

*****************8.0 chapter 6 - GREETZ*****************

-all the guys @ www.ps2HD.com/forums rock!
-all the guys @ www.exploitstation.com (for there invaluable knowledge!)
-my poor external hdd for swapping


*****************9.0 Disclaimer*****************

I will not be held responsible for the usage of this tutorial 4 un authorized purposes,if you mention it sumwhere,please pop my name there 2 its only fair

*****************10.0 Contact me*****************
if ya have any probs pm me!
--dont ask for patches or apps there is something called google!use it!
--I havent tested this on non-DNAS games,so dont ask!ill get around 2 it!

-------------THE END ! ----------------

Voila .. j'ai compris le gros du truc mais si quelqu'un (de fort en anglais) aurait le courage de traduire et de synthétysé.. Ca serait super !

Merci !
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