23/05/2005, 17h49
#8 (permalink)
(mais aussi très compliqué car elle utilise un nouvo proco... qui di nouvo di temps d'adaptation pour les dev...)
C'est toi qui racontes n'importe quoi ! la PS3 est très facile à programmer !
I have read a lot of comments about the Playstation 3 being hard to program for. Let's forget the Cell processors for a second and focus on the Nvidia RSX that is the heart of the PS3's graphics. The RSX provides developers with the ability to leverage their existing assets and use OpenGL ES (simplified version of Open GL for everything from cell phones to game consoles) and Nvidia's Cg technology. It has been said before that the, "Cg programming environment is excellent for content developers who are looking to push the limits of today’s hardware without requiring a corresponding increase in development time ... Cg is 100% compatible with Microsoft’s high level shading language for DirectX 9 (as well as OpenGL)." Nvidia has not fundamentally changed Cg for the PS3, so its design is just as great as it was. If you combine the RSX with the cell processors that are programmable, easy to use compared to the PS2, and powerful as I have explained in my previous posts, you will see that Sony has created a great platform as well. I don't know enough about how it compares to XNA yet, but my point is the same, PS3 and Xbox 360 are great development platforms. I may work for Microsoft, and in my heart, I would love to see Xbox 360 really give Sony a run for their money. But I want to stick to the facts and see Microsoft do well on the merits of its content and its platform, not FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).