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Vieux 12/05/2005, 23h49   #21 (permalink)
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If you get the RSOD (Red Screen Of Death) while attempting to boot your DVD DL backup game, this is due to an authentication error. This can happen when the "book type" of your backup is set to "DVD+R DL" and not "DVD-ROM". Most burners will automatically set the book type of your burnt disc to DVD-ROM, however if your burner does not do this you should be able to manually modify the book type using burning software such as DVD Decryptor. To verify that the book type of your burnt disc is set to DVD-ROM, start DVD Decryptor, insert your backup disc and in the info window find "Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):". A few lines down should be the text "Book Type: DVD-ROM".

Je suis pas une bête en anglais, mais le Red Screen of Death...
Si ça peut aider...
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