AutoLaunchGames = No
AutoLaunchDVD = No
DVDPlayer = "f:\apps\dvd2.0\default.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio = No
#AudioPlayer = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
UseFDrive = No
UseGDrive = No
SkinName = Original
#SkinName = Evox1
UseItems = Yes
ScreenSaver = 5
Fahrenheit = No
ShadeLevel = 90
EnableSMART = Yes
HDD_Temp_ID = 194
ChameleonLed = 15
TSR_Type = 0
IGR = Yes
GameRegion = 0
SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = Yes
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =
SetupDelay = 10
SkipIfNoLink = No
JumpToMsDash = No
JumpIfNoLink = Yes
Use24 = Yes
SwapDate = No
SNTP_Server =
Enable = Yes
Password = xbox
Enable = Yes
Enable = Yes
Name = xbox
ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a
ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd
ROM = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe
ROM = "EvoX 3.6",0xcb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0
ROM = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9
ROM = "EvoX D.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86
ROM = "EvoX D.6ef",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2
Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000
Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000
Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000
Flash = 0x015b,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
Flash = 0x01da,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
#Flash = 0x89a6,"SHARP - LH28F008SCT",0x100000,0x20,0xd0,0x10
#Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000
Current = 0xdfc6288f6b67fd021e1970491c64c0a0
# =
# =
Text = 30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,""
Text = 28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,""
Text = 620,420,0.5,0x000000,1," V"
Text = 618,422,0.5,0x808080,1," V"
Text = 620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,""
Text = 618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,""
Text = 30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : "
Text = 28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : "
LogoType= 0
Section "Root"
Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Item "Trainers",ID_trainer
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
# Item "Power Cycle",ID_Full_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
# Item "Flash Evox BIOS","c:\bios\d6.bin",ID_Flash_Bios_File
# Item "Lock Harddisk",@210
# Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211
Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Skins",ID_Skins
Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
Section "Xbox Media Center"
AutoAddItem "e:\logiciels\xbmc\default.xbe\"
Section "Apps"
AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"
LogFile = "f:\lock.log"
Info "This function will lock your XBOX Harddisk"
Warning "You will now lock your XBOX harddisk and will be able"
Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"
LogFile = "f:\unlock.log"
Info "This function will unlock your XBOX Harddisk"
Warning "You will now unlock your XBOX harddisk and will not be able"
Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"
tu mets exactement comme ca ok !!
et moi je t ai ecris ca de cette facon mais toi je ne sais pas ou il se trouve ton rep avec xbmc et fais attention aux maj
fais ca et dit moi ok mais tu sais quand tu remplaces un evox.ini par ftp et bien il faut que tu renommes l ancien avant pour qu il soir inutilisable et que tu renommes le nouveau par evox.ini