Discussion: katana dev kit
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Vieux 07/05/2005, 13h34   #10 (permalink)
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Welcome to the world of the HKT-01

 The manuals mention nothing of requiring an additional Dreamcast to play software, so I'm assuming that with the right combination, you can actually play software on this thing.

Manuels pour OPeré cette merveille:

10 Manuals  	Large shot of the 10 programming books included with this purchase
3 Manuals 	Close up of 3 manuals
3 Manuals 	An additional shot of 3 manuals
3 Manuals 	Another shot of 3 manuals
1 Manual 	The final of the 10 manuals close up
Conceptual VMS 	Conceptual drawing of the VMS
VMS Icons 	Icons in the VMU Bios
Debug 	Debug picture
VMS Specs 	Technical specifications of the VMS
VMS Specs 2 	More VMS Specifications
Overview of Texture 	Texture mapping technicalities
GD ROM 	Sector layout of the GD - ROM
Ninja Attributes 	Attributes of the DC Ninja Specifications[

et en plus les accessoires pour les Adaptateurs SCSI

Adaptec SCSI Board for the PC - this is a view of the top of the PCB.

The SDK alpha that once housed the text files that are listed above

Por les plus interresse cette merveille est emballé e envoié a n'importe quelle zone du globe
(faut seullment avoir le necessaire! $€$€$£$) 8) 8)

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