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Vieux 18/04/2005, 23h18   #1 (permalink)
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those of you that don't know, that is the language screen of the Sega Saturn BIOS, and yes, that is running on the Dreamcast. Project L is a port of the Linux Saturn Emulator.Binaries will come sometime soon....


Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, c'est l'écran du BIOS de la Sega Saturn, et oui, qui fonctionne sur la Dreamcast. Le projet L est un portage de yabause l'émulateur saturn pour Linux.Le binaire viendra tres prochainement....

la source:

Okay, for anyone just getting this for the Dreamcast, here's some basic information:

1. Sometimes GCC can be just plain annoying, keep that in mind if you decide to
   compile this beast yourself.
2. Do not bug the PC version author for problems with the Dreamcast port. Tell me if
   you have any problems with it.
3. I do not want to hear about you wanting a BIOS image or any ISOs. I won't give
   them to you, and on a particularly bad day, I might forward your message to 
   law enforcement.
4. The Dreamcast version gets as far as showing the BIOS language select. No Farther!
5. In order to show the BIOS, you need a BIOS image. Put it on the cd in the root
   directory, named saturn.bin

I think that's about it, so just have fun everyone!
- Lawrence Sebald

pour telecharger l'emulateur saturn pour dreamcast:
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