Discussion: CDGen problem
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Vieux 03/01/2004, 16h01   #1 (permalink)
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Please help

i have a problem with CDGen dloaded from this page. I cant install it, it says "not enough memory"? WHY ???

i have p4 with 256 memory.

is there another method to make a psx movie disk as i cant
get this program to work ( CDGen ).

i used pimp and it is ok but i wanted the movie player with nice interface.

Also CD-Tools does not compile a cd it gives an error...... "System Area File Can No be Found"

Please help if you can as i would like to use these programs.

thanks in advance.

I know this is a French board but its the BEST i can find on the net.


Svp aide j'ai un problème avec CDGen dloaded de cette page. Je biseaute l'installe, il dit "pas assez de mémoire" ? POURQUOI ? ? ? j'ai p4 avec de la mémoire 256.
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